

Pratham works in partnership with Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) to implement an age-phase appropriate activity-based pre-school program in anganwadis. Pratham’s work within anganwadis began in 2008 when its instructors worked directly in select ICDS centres alongside the anganwadi workers. This evolved into a support model in 2015, in which 150 anganwadi workers were trained in Pratham’s teaching-learning methodology. Today, the model has been expanded to over 10,000 anganwadis with all anganwadis instructors across Delhi being trained. Through the partnership model, Pratham Trainer Monitors train ICDS supervisors in Delhi. These supervisors then conducted practice classes for 2-3 weeks to gain first-hand experience of the activities and processes developed for Pratham’s ECE curriculum. Once the supervisors were trained, they were equipped to train and support the anganwadi workers in their charge. In the more intensive support mode, members of the Pratham resource team support the anganwadis instructor via ongoing site visits in which they demonstrate activities, observe activities in the centre, and provide support for in-class activities as well as for home visits and activity sessions with mothers.
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